Friday 2 January 2009

Unprofessional Manhole Repair

Mysore City Corporation is on a manhole-repairing spree. Several damaged manholes all over the city are being repaired. MCC is to be commended for waking up to this serious problem.

Photos show the work in progress on Hunsur Road (in front of CIIL) and Vivekananda Road, Yadavagiri (near SBI).

But there are a couple of problems with the repair work. Firstly, it is taking too long. In both the examples above, work was started a month ago and is still not complete. Obstructing traffic flow and posing danger to vehicles for this length of time is not acceptable.

Secondly, the manhole covers were flush with the road surface before the repair was undertaken, but now they are about six inches above the road surface. Creation of ill-designed road humps by such unprofessional work will pose a danger to vehicles for a long long time. This problem should be rectified immediately.