Tuesday 9 February 2010

Photos from January 2010 issue of Grahaka Patrike

(Sushanti Prabhu)
 MGP activist C.V. Nagaraj received "Grahaka Bhooshana" award in Dharwad recently. Others in the photo are, from the left, N.P.Bhat, President, Avani Rasikara Ranga (and former Chairman, Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission of India), Dr.S.B.Hinchiheri, Registrar, Karnataka University, M.Sudarshanaraja, President, M,Sudarshanaraja Foundation (and High Court advocate), Dr. Chdananda Reddy S. Patil, Principal, University College of Law, Karnataka University.

MGP members H.R.Bapu Satyanarayana and Sreemathi Hariprasad led a protest against substandard construction of the railway underbridge near Fire Station, Saraswatipuram.
(Vishwas Krishna)
Open trailers used to transport garbage in Mysore dump much of the garbage on the roads.

Enviroment Protection Association intended to plant this seedling on Lalit Mahal Road during the protest against the butchering of 32 trees some time back by an unruly crowd. When the police refused permission for the protest meeting, the seedling was planted on Vivekananda Road instead.