Tuesday 29 November 2011

Photos from the November 2011 issue of Grahaka Patrike

(D.V.Dayanand Sagar)
The bus stand on JLB Road near RTO Circle was dilapidated and ready to collapse any moment. After GRAHAKA PATRIKE published a photo of this dangerous bus stop (August, 2011) concerned officials have demolished the bus stand and prevented a potential catastrophe.

(D.V.Dayanand Sagar)
The bus stand near Nirmala Convent in V.V. Puram had no seats for a long time.After GRAHAKA PATRIKE published a photo of this bus stop (October, 2011) concerned officials have provided seats for the public.

(D.V.Dayanand Sagar)
The road hump on KRS road near CFTRI gate was too high and was causing accidents. After GRAHAKA PATRIKE published a photo of this dangerous road hump (October, 2011) concerned officials have reduced the height of the hump.

(B.V. Shenoy)
The transformer on Pulikeshi Road (near FTS Circle) has two of its supporting poles on the road itself. This is obstructing both traffic and pedestrians. 

Dr. S.L. Bhyrappa who has been a member of MGP since 1992 has won Saraswati Samman for his novel "Mandra". It is the most prestigious literary award in India.