Saturday 4 January 2014

Photos from the Grahaka Patrike

(B.V. Shenoy) 
MGP held a press conference init soffice on 5-12-13 to highlight the deficiencies in Mysore Master Plan - 2031. From left, R.Chandra Prakash (President of MGP), Ashok Kacker (Vice President of MGP), Dr. Bhamy V.Shenoy and K.R. Seshadri (Treasurer of MGP).

(B.V. Shenoy) 
MCC takes its own time cuting down dead trees which pose a danger to the public. But it has promptly cut down several healthy trees on Kalidasa Road for no obvious reason

(R.Chandra Prakash) 
MGP has been complaining about cleaning up Cheluvamba Park. MCC staff have finally cleaned up the park and now it looks beautiful. 

(R.Chandra Prakash) 
Another nice view of Cheluvamba Park. 

S.R.Subba Rao 
Noted engineer S.R. Subba Rao who was a member of MGP since 1990 passed away on 17-12-13. He was 90. 
Based on his experience with Bangalore Water Supply and Drainage Board, he was the first person to work out in detail the economics of water supply in Mysore. Unfortunately, VVWW never made use of his seminal work.