Friday 7 March 2014

Photos from the Grahaka Patrike

(B.V. Shenoy) 
MGP's monthly meeting on 9-2-14 focussed on Aadhaar-based direct cash transfer of LPG subsidy

(B.V. Shenoy) 
The speakers at MGP's monthly meeting on 9-2-14. From left, R.Chandra Prakash, MGP President, Mr. V.U. Baby of Indian Oil Corporation, Dr.K. Rameshwarappa, Deputy DIrector of Food and Civil Supplies and Mr. C.R. Krishna of Little Gas Company, HP gas distributors.

(Anjali Mullatti) 
Mysore City Corporation had recently won praise from the public for cleaning up Cheluvamba Park. Now, to further "improve" the park, it has dug up all the footpaths, infuriating the park users.

(Anjali Mullatti) 
To "improve" Cheluvamba Park, MCC has also cut lots of vegetation. Angry public have now stopped the work.